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T.H.R.I.V.E series
Our T.H.R.I.V.E series brings parents and caregivers together with various health professionals to Teach, Help, Relate, Inspire, Visualise and Empower!
Recordings of past sessions are available on our Opal Kids YouTube channel, or by clicking here.

Recipe Book
Our kids recipe book contains several recipes for eating, as well as playing! With clear visual step-by-step instructions, you and your child will have endless fun creating these masterpieces! Click here to get started!

Exam Study Guide
This study guide is for children and teens (or even adults!) preparing for exams. It gives some general study tips, as well as strategies to help in specific areas such as self-regulation, organisation and time management. It is available in PDF format here, or you can watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Two Cents Podcast
Perfect for your commute, while you're at home, just about anywhere! These podcast episodes focus on various topics related to Children's Occupational Therapy and education. We will feature guest speakers to chat about a range of different topics, and we will share information on all things OT! Tune in one Spotify to subscribe and listen! Click here for instant access!
12 Days of Christmas guide
Following on from our Take Two video series on this topic - which is available to view on all of our social platforms - we created a handy guide with all of the information for easier reference! Click here or on the picture to access the guide.